duration 0:42

Pareidolia 2011

  • Voice over Togo Igawa, 13 min loop
  • Single Channel Video Projection
  • H D PAL 16:9 Stereo
  • Installation dimensions variable

Script fragment

It transpired that Okakura's approach to Zen archery …
was informed by some eccentric views …
opposing Kyudo's conventional regime of rules and competition.
Sato would have to negotiate sentences like,
"The dewdrop doesn't know when it is loosened from the leaf."
This would leave his friend puzzled …
but Sato felt it was not the translator's duty to alter the source.
On one of these long afternoons …
Cassar asked if the master could hit the target blindfolded.
An out of place hunter's bravado but the challenge was accepted …

Pareidolia's script has been translated into German.