Script fragment
He had obviously found the wreckage of the plane already …
as he was reeling strips of celluloid into a noxious bonfire.
"The camphor keeps the mosquitoes away"
she heard him say as she passed out in his arms.
He carried her to the four-poster bed he had assembled from the debris.
They waited for months for news from the studio.
But as the jungle fenced them in …
just as the much-longed for stardom would have …
the fickle gods of filmdom had other plans.
Finally a local man from a nearby river settlement …
came to announce that Technicolor had been invented.
So funds got shifted and the project cancelled.
As the man entered their trailer …
his taxonomic eye fell immediately …
on the flytrap plants strewn across the floor.
"Coxocotl" he exclaimed, a species long lost to his generation.
A plant with mildly hallucinogenic qualities …
that his elders had taken in their continuous search for visual peace
in the densely leafed jungle.
Trailer's script has been translated into Catalan, Spanish, German and French.