• Trailer video still by Saskia Olde Wolbers
  • Trailer video still by Saskia Olde Wolbers
  • Trailer video still by Saskia Olde Wolbers
  • Trailer video still by Saskia Olde Wolbers
  • Trailer video still by Saskia Olde Wolbers
  • Trailer video still by Saskia Olde Wolbers
  • Trailer video still by Saskia Olde Wolbers
  • Trailer video still by Saskia Olde Wolbers
  • Trailer video still by Saskia Olde Wolbers
  • Trailer video still by Saskia Olde Wolbers
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Trailer 2005

  • Voice over John Wynne, 10 min loop
  • Single Channel Video Projection
  • SD PAL DV 4:3 Stereo
  • Installation dimensions variable


In Trailer an anecdote is transformed into fiction. Clark Gable had an illegitimate daughter who did not know the identity of her father until after his death. She knew him only through the roles he played out on the silver screen.

Alfgar Dalio describes wandering into a dilapidated movie house in Ohio, known as the Kinorama Playhouse. Only films from a long-faded Hollywood studio are shown here. He watches a trailer and is caught off-guard when it mentions an extinct Amazonian moth that shares his unusual name. The moth's life was dependant upon a certain tree and a fly-trap plant named after two actors, who used to work for the film studio years ago but had disappeared whilst on location in the jungle.

Dalio realises that the trailer is addressing him directly by broadcasting the secret of his own existence and that the actors are in fact his unacknowledged parents. The revelations bring back memories of his life in the jungle. The video's imagery switches from a vivid red empty theatre to a translucent green plant life. The green and red are a reference to Kinema Color, a pre-colour process based on alternating green and red filters, an obscure format outdated almost as soon as it was invented.

The soundtrack is by Daniel Pemberton.